

photo Tomoaki Miura (Dr. of Sci.), associate professor in Department of Science, Niigata University, is specialized in spin chemistry, photo chemistry, time resolved spectroscopy, and quantum dynamics.
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Miura Group cooperates closely with Prof. Tadaaki Ikoma Group.


Research projects

We study photochemical and photophysical mechanisms in photo-functional materials such as organic photovoltaics and medical-related materials. In particular, we focus on dynamics of short-lived (nano–microseconds) paramagnetic intermediates as radical pairs and excited triplet states. Controlling their spin dynamics by external magnetic fields of a few millitesla sometimes causes a large effect on the total reaction rate/yield. We clarify the dynamics of the intermediates by our original time-resolved measurement techniques and theoretical simulations based on reaction kinetics and quantum dynamics. We aim to develop novel material technologies as magnetic enhancement of solar cell efficiencies and photo and magnetically controllable drug delivery systems as well as to propose material design for existing technologies.

• Simultaneous optical and electrical detection (SOED) of transient photocarriers in organic solar cell materials/devices
 The SOED method enables separate and quantitative evaluation of the time-dependent concentration and mobility of carriers photogenerated in the photovoltaic film material/device. We are studying carrier generation and extinction mechanisms by this method. Further, the magnetic field effect on the SOED signals reveals spin-dependent processes of paramagnetic intermediates, from which we explore keys to improve solar cell efficiencies.
See also T. Miura et al. J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 2021, 22668.



• Photo and magnetically controllable nanocapsule towards quantum dynamic therapy (QDT)
 We propose a future medical technology QDT, which enables precise drug release from nanocapsules in response to photoirradiation and applied magnetic field. For this purpose, we are currently developing donor-acceptor embedded amphiphilic nanocapsules, in which hydrophilic model drug molecules are encapsulated. Spectroscopic studies are ongoing on photoinduced reaction dynamics and magnetic field effects.



Joining Miura Group

• As a graduate student
See the guideline for admission to Graduate School of Sceince and Technology. →Details

• As a postdoc
We are sorry that postdoc positions are currently not available. We welcome self-funded researchers.


Research collaborations are welcomed!

Organic photovoltaics

photo Our SOED method enables quantitative evaluation of recombination and trapping of photocarriers in organic semiconductor thin film devices. "Time-dependent average drift mobility" can exclusively be obtained with the SOED method. You can send either semiconductor materials or complete devices.

Photo-functional materials such as donor-acceptor linked molecules

photo Nanosecond time-resolved measurements of transient absorption, photocurrent, and photoluminescence in the solution state and solid state (films) are possible in Miura Group. Sensitivity of our transient absorption appratus far exceeds those of comercially available systems, which allows us measurement at low concetnrations or low laser powers. Magnetic field effects can be measured for all the detection methods. Computational simulations based on reaction kinetics / quantum dynamics are also possible.


Prof. Tomoaki Miura
Department of Science, Niigata University
2-8050 Ikarashi, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan.
TEL: +81-(0)25-262-7738
Mail: t-miura[At]chem.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp
