Molecular Chemistry Seminar

 Year Date Presenter Title
2018 Mar. 5 B4 卒論発表練習
2018 Mar. 2 B4 卒論発表練習

2018 Jan. 23 山田 瑛葉 研究進捗報告
2018 Feb. 19 RYZHII
西岡 千穂
2018 Feb. 7 M2 修論発表練習
2018 Feb. 5 M2 修論発表練習

2018 Jan. 22 山田 瑛葉 研究進捗報告
2018 Jan. 19 岡田 夢 研究進捗報告
 Profluorescent nitroxidesの発光/吸収スペクトル測定とフランクコンドン解析
2018 Jan. 15 RYZHII 研究進捗報告
 Mes4B2N2の発光減衰測定(77K in エタノール)
2017 Dec. 22 近 成彦 研究進捗報告
 BuCN中BP-C6H4NPh2の遅延発光減衰に対する磁場効果の測定(77 K)
2017 Dec. 18 工藤 尚輝 研究進捗報告
2017 Dec. 13 東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
2017 Nov. 27 秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告
2017 Nov. 13 山田 瑛葉 研究進捗報告
2017 Nov. 6 西岡 千穂 研究進捗報告
2017 Oct. 30 工藤 尚輝
秋山 諒弥
近 成彦
東海林 良太

2017 Oct. 27 工藤 尚輝
秋山 諒弥
2017 Oct. 23 岡田 夢 研究進捗報告
 3-Carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-pyrrolidine 1-Oxyl free radical (CTPO)の分光測定(発光を示さないことの確認)
2017 Oct. 16 RYZHII 研究進捗報告
2017 Aug. 4 近 成彦 研究進捗報告
・ブチロニトリル中ジフェニルベンゾホスホールのTRESR(355 nm励起、高濃度条件、80 K)

・C60トルエン溶液のcwESR(Xeランプ励起、77 K)
2017 Aug. 2 工藤 尚輝 研究進捗報告
 P3HT90%素子の明状態磁気インピーダンス分光(530 nm LED励起)
2017 Jul. 18 東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
2017 Jul. 26 秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告
2017 Jul. 19 RYZHII Unveiling a New Aspect of Simple Arylboronic Esters: Long-Lived Room-Temperature Phosphorescence from Heavy-Atom-Free Molecules
Y. Shoji et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 2728 (2017)
2017 Jul. 12 西岡 千穂 Direct Visualization of the Two-step Nucleation Model by Fluorescence Color Changes during Evaporative Crystallization from Solution
F. Ito et al., Scientific Reports, 6, 22918 (2016)
2017 Jul. 7 山田 瑛葉 Quantitative Transient Absorption Measurements of Polaron Yield and Absorption Coefficient in Neat Conjugated Polymers
O. G. Reid and Garrr Rumbles., J. phys. Chem, 4, 2348 (2013)
2017 Jul. 5 岡田 夢 Competitive Electron Transfer and Enhanced Intersystem Crossing in Photoexcited Covalent TEMPO-Perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximide) Dyads: Unusual Spin Polarization Resulting from the Radical-Triplet Interaction
M. T. Colvin et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., 114, 1741 (2010)
2017 Jun. 28 近 成彦 研究進捗報告
・ブチロニトリル中ジフェニルベンゾホスホールのTRESR(x-band, 90 K)
・アリールベンゾホスホールの発光測定(298 K, 77 K)
2017 Jun. 21 工藤 尚輝 研究進捗報告
2017 Jun. 14 東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
2017 May. 31 近 成彦 Revealing the spin-vibronic coupling mechanism of thermally activated delayed fluorescence
M. K. Etherington et al., Nat. Commun, 7, 13680 (2016)
2017 May. 24 工藤 尚輝 Characterization and modeling of organic (P3HT:PCBM) solar cells as a function of bias and illumination
A. Rizzo et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 157, 337 (2016)
2017 May. 17 東海林 良太 Exciton diffusion and charge transfer dynamics in nano phase-separated P3HT/PCBM blend films
H. Wang et al., Nanoscale, 3, 2280 (2011)
2017 May. 10 B4 引き継ぎ実験報告
2017 Apr. 26 三浦 智明 Dispersive Non-Geminate Recombination in an Amorphous Polymer:Fullerene Blends
J. Kurpiers and D. Neher, Scientific Reports, 6, 26832 (2016)
2017 Apr. 19 秋山 諒弥 Excited-states spectroscopies and its magnetic field effect of π-conjugated polymer-fullerene blends with below-gap excitation
R.Z. Wang et al., Synthetic Metals, 223, 132-136 (2017)
2017 Apr. 12 東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
2017 Feb. 27 印南 可奈子
加藤 健汰
2017 Feb. 29 佐久間 元宏 卒業論文発表練習
2017 Feb. 27 印南 可奈子
加藤 健汰
2017 Feb. 24 印南 可奈子
加藤 健汰
2017 Feb. 20 B4
印南 可奈子
佐久間 元宏
加藤 健汰
・290 Kと77 KでのPtOEP:DPA薄膜の発光スペクトル、発光の減衰、磁気発光効果に対する励起光強度依存性の測定(加藤)
2017 Feb. 01 宮路 希生 修士論文発表練習
2017 Jan. 30 宮路 希生 修士論文発表練習
2017 Jan. 23 秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告
2016 Dec. 21 東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
2016 Dec. 05 加藤 健汰 研究進捗報告
2016 Nov. 28 印南 可奈子 研究進捗報告
2016 Nov. 21 佐久間 元宏 研究進捗報告
2016 Nov. 14 Chia-Jung Tsai 研究進捗報告
2016 Nov. 07 近 成彦 研究進捗報告
2016 Nov. 04 宮路 希生 学会発表練習(SEST2016)
2016 Oct. 31 秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告
2016 Oct. 03 宮路 希生 研究進捗報告
2016 Sep. 15 Chia-Jung Tsai 研究進捗報告
2016 Aug. 24 秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告
2016 Aug. 22 近 成彦 研究進捗報告
2016 Aug. 05 東海林 良太 Nongeminate and Geminate Recombination in PTB7:PCBM Solar Cell
A. Foetig et al., Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 1306-1311 (2014)
2016 Aug. 01 宮路 希生 研究進捗報告
2016 Jul. 25 印南 可奈子 Magnetically sensetive light-induced reactions in cryptochrome are consistent with its proposed role as a magnetorecepter.
K. Maedaet al., Proc. Natl. Acal. Sci. USA., 109, 4774-4779 (2012)
2016 Jul. 22 佐久間 元宏 Direct detection of electron transfer processes in photoconductive poly(N-vinylcarbazole) solid film doped with electron acceptors: Temperature dependence of femtosecond to microsecond dynamics
T. Katayama et al., J. Photochem. Photobiol. A., 234, 107-114 (2012)
2016 Jul. 01 加藤 健汰 Triplet-Triplet Annihilation-Induced Up-Converted Delayed Luminescence in Solid-State Organic Composites: Monitering Low-Energy Photon Up-Conversion at Low Temperatures
H. Goudarzi and P. E. Keivanidis., J. Phys. Chem. C., 118, 14256-14265 (2014)
2016 Jun. 24 近 成彦 研究進捗報告
2016 Jun. 20 秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告(卒業論文内容の紹介)
2016 Jun. 06 宮路 希生 研究進捗報告
2016 May. 30 Chia-Jung Tsai Structure-relaxation mechanism for the response of T4 Lysozyme cavity mutants to hydrostatic pressure.
M. T. Lerch et al., Proc. Natl. Acal. Sci. USA., 112, E2437-46 (2015)
2016 May. 23 秋山 諒弥 Photoinduced Charge Generation Rates in Soluble P3HT:PCBM Nano-aggregates Predict the Solvent-Dependent Film Morphology
P. Roy et al., Nanoscale., 8, 2768-2777 (2016)
2016 May. 16 近 成彦  
2016 May. 09 B4 引き継ぎ実験報告
2016 Apr. 11 宮路 希生 Hopping versus tunneling mechanism for long-range electron transfer in porphyrin oligomer bridge donor-acceptor system
M. G. Gatty et al., J. Phys. Chem. B., 119, 7598-7611 (2015)
 2016  Feb.22 近 成彦   研究進捗報告
 2016  Feb.22  秋山 諒弥   研究進捗報告
 2016  Feb.19 阿部 匡矩   研究進捗報告
 2016  Feb.19 宮崎 駿弥   研究進捗報告
 2016 Feb.15   渡辺 聖也 研究進捗報告 
 2016  Feb.12 工藤 尚輝 研究進捗報告
 2015 Dec.7  小林 遼  研究進捗報告
 2015  Dec.7  木村 竜朗 研究進捗報告
 2015  Nov.30 宮路 希生  研究進捗報告
 2015  Nov.30  丸山 裕久 研究進捗報告
アミン架橋のNH-CuDAP dimerの温度変化ESR測定 
 2015 Nov.16  秋山 諒弥 研究進捗報告
P3HTスピンコート薄膜の過渡吸収測定 くし型電極基盤の光伝導測定 
 2015  Nov.16  阿部 匡矩 研究進捗報告
 2015 Nov.9  近 成彦  研究進捗報告
 2015  Nov.9  宮崎 駿弥 研究進捗報告
 2015 Oct.19   東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
 2015  Oct.19 内田 賢   学会発表練習
Photocarrier Dynamics in Polycrystalline Films of Benzimidazolium Salts
2015  Oct.16  工藤 尚輝  研究進捗報告
Cn-DPP-BP:PCBM素子の過渡光電流測定 Onsager解析 
 2015 Oct.16  渡辺 聖也  研究進捗報告
COFの光誘起磁気特性 光照射及び未照射ESR測定(4K-300K) 
 2015 Aug.28   Jonathan. R. Woodward  Magnetic fields and living systems: from quacks to quantum biology
2015   Aug.12  山田 容子 前駆体法を用いた有機半導体材料の開発 
 2015   Aug.3  宮路 希生 研究進捗報告
 2015   Aug.3  丸山 裕久 研究進捗報告
 2015   July.27  東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
 2015   July.23  内田 賢  イミダゾリウム塩の溶液と薄膜における吸収、発光スペクトル、光誘起電荷信号測定
 2015  July.13   木村 竜朗 EDMR装置のプログラム作成 
 2015  July.10   宮崎 駿弥 Influence of a magnetic field on delayed fluorecence of aromatic hydrocarbons in solution
Chemical Physics, 15, 1976, 279-293 
 2015   July.7  Chia-Jung Tsai BAX-Induced apotosis can be initiated through a conformational selection mechanism
 2015  June.29  秋山 諒弥 An Effect of Molecular Motion on Carrier Formation in a Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Film
Scientific reports, 2015
 2015 June.22  渡辺 聖也  Synthesis, Structure, and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of a Mixed Valent Metal-Organic Framework Containg Cu2 Paddle-Wheel Units
J.Phys.Chem.C 2015, 119, 4898-4907
 2015  June.15  阿部 匡矩  Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of a New Organic Conductor Based on a π-Extended Donor Containing a Stable 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1pyrrolidinyloxy Radical
Adv.Mater.2004, 16, No19, October 4
 2015 June.8  近 成彦 Intersystem Crossing Mediated by Photoinduced Intramolecular Charge Transfer: Julolidine-Anthracene Molecules with Perpendicular π Systems
J.Phys.Chem.A 2008, 112, 4194-4201
 2015 June.1   工藤 尚輝 Magnetoconductance of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
Organic Electronics 10 (2009) 1288-1292 
2015   May.25  木村 竜朗 New features of electrically detected magnetic resonance in silicon p-n diuodes
Solid State Communications, 116 (2000) 279-282 
 2015 May.18  丸山 裕久  Spin-multiplicity of a moderately coupled triplet-doublet spin pair in a biphenylene-linked porphyrin dimer
Molecular Physics, Vol.104, Nos.10-11, May-10, June 2006, 1609-1618 
 2015  May.1  内田 賢 Magneto-Electroluminescence as a Tool to discern the Origin of Delayed Fluorescence: Reverse Intersystem Crossing or Triplet-Triplet Anihilation
Adv. Optical Matter. 2014, 2, 142 
 2015 Apr.20  宮路 希生  Cyclo[8]pyrrole: An Androgynous Expanded Porphyrin That Acts as Both an Electron Donor and Acceptor in Anion-Bound Supramolecular electron Donor-Acceptor Complexs 
J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 18436-18444
2015  Apr.20   東海林 良太 Short-lived charge-transfer excitons in organic photovoltaic cells studied by high-field magneto-photocurrent
Nature Communications, published 29 Jul 2014 
 2014 Nov.28 板越 知佳
 2014 Nov.21 東海林 良太 研究進捗報告
 2014 Nov.6 尾森 拓也
 2014 Oct.27 丸山 裕久
大石 康平
丸山 裕久
大石 康平
 2014 Oct.6 赤石 智美
 2014 Aug.28 手老先生
Magnetic Field Effects on Singlet Fission
 2014 Aug.11 尾森 拓也 研究進捗報告
 2014 Aug.4 赤石 智美 研究進捗報告
 2014 Jul.28 宮路 希生 Conformational Dynamics of Charge Transfer States in Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Systems
Xavier Y. Lauteslager, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2001, 3105-3118
 2014 Jul.23 板越 知佳 Magnetic Field Effects on Triplet-Triplet Annihilation in
Solutions:Modulation of Visible/NIR Luminescence
Tomoyasu Mani, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2799-2804
 2014 Jul.14 丸山 裕久 An isocyanide probe for heme electronic structure: bis(tert-butylisocyanide) complex of diazaporphyrin showing a
unique (d
xy)2(dxz, dyz)3 griund state
Yoshiki Ohgo, Chem. Commun. 2006, 4590-4592
 2014 Jul.11 木村 竜朗 Defects in planar Si pn junctions studied with electrically detectedmagnetic resonance
T. Wimbauer, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 76, No 16, 17, April 2000
 2014 Jul.4 小野 健太 Electronic and optical properties of two-dimentional covalent organic framewarks
Yungang Zhou, J. Mater. Chem.,2012,22,16964-16970
 2014 Jun.23 大石 康平 Laser flash photolysis study on photophysical and photochemical propeties of C60 fine particles
Mamoru Fujitsuka, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 133(2000),45-50
 2014 Jun.16 内田 賢 2-(2-Methoxyphenyl)-1,3-dimethyl-1H-benzoimidazol-3-ium lodide as a New Air-Stable n-Type Dopant for Vacum-Processed Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
Peng Wei, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012,134(26),3999-4002
 2014 Jun.9 東海林 良太 Device Physics of Polymer:Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar
Paul W. M. Blom, Adv. Mater. 2007,19,1551-1566
 2014 May.26 脇川 祐介 Triplet-Polaron Quenching in Conjugated Polymers
D. Hertel, J. phys. chem. B 2007,111,12075-12080
 2014 May.19 古川 貢 Electron spin resonance in an Icosahedral Al63Cu25Fe12 quaicrystal
J. Dolinsek, Phys. Rev. B, 65, (2002) 064205
 2014 May.12 B4 研究進捗報告
EGDMEの遅延蛍光実験 , 硫酸五水和物の測定実験
 2014 Apr.28 尾森 拓也 Singlet Exiciton Fission in Nanostructured Organic Solar Cells
Priya J.Jadhav, Nano Lett. 2011,11,1495-1498
 2014 Apr.21 赤石 智美 Analysis of the excited states of regioregular polythiophene P3HT
Steffan Cook, Energy Evolution.Sci., 2008, 1, 294-299Electric
 2014 Apr.14 三浦 智明 研究進捗報告
 2013 Jul.1  内田 賢   Electric field assisted dissociation of charge transfer state as a mechanism of phototcarrier production
Charles L. Braun, J.chem.phys. 80 (9) 4157-4161, (1984)
 2013 Jun.24 古川 貢 Room-temperature solid-state maser
M.Oxborrow,J.D.Breeze,&N.M.Alford, Nature,488 353-356 (2012)
 2013 Jun.17  横山 佳奈  研究進捗報告
 2013 Jun.10 脇川 祐介 研究進捗報告
 2013 Jun.3  C.E.Ambe Rehearsal
Studies on the Magneto-sensitive photoelectric conversion in organic semiconductor
 2013 May.27 三浦 智明 Separating Charges at Organic Interfaces: Effects of Disorder,Hot states, and Electric Field
Pabitra K, K.L.Narasimhan, and David Cahen, J.Phys.Chem.Lett,4 1707-1717,(2013)
 2013 May.20  尾森 拓也 Magnetoconductance of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
Yanlian Lei, Qunliang Song, Yong Zhang, Ping Chen Rong Liu, Qiaoming Zhang, Zuhong Xiong, Organic Electronics, 10 1288-1292,(2009)
 2013 May.13 内田 賢
佐久間 駿
 2013 May.9  東海林 良太
藤原 大
 2013 Apr.22 赤石 智美 1、Effective photochemical synthesis of an air stable
anthracene-based organic semiconductor from its diketone precursor
Hiroko yamada, Emi Kawamura, Sadaaki Sakamoto, Yuko Yamashita, Tetsuo Okujima, Hidemitsu Uno and Noboru Ono,Tetrahedron Letters,47 7501 - 7504,(2006)
2、FET performance and substitution effect on 2,3-dithienylanthracene devices prepared by photoirradiation of their diketone precursor

Hiroko Yamada, Chika Ohashi, Tatsuya Aotake, Shuhei Katsuta, Yoshihito Honsho, Hiroo Kawano, Tetsuo Okujima, Hidemitsu Uno, Noboru Ono, Shu Seki, and Ken-ichi Nakayama, Chem. Commun,48 11136-11138,(2012)
 2013 Apr.15  C.E.Ambe Progress report
Studies on the Magneto-sensitive photoelectric conversion in organic semiconductor
 2013 Apr.8 C.E.Ambe  Progress report
Studies on the Magneto-sensitive photoelectric conversion in organic semiconductor
2013 Jan.23 C.E.Ambe Reseach report
・ Effects of Host Matrix and Thermal Treatment on the Photocarrier Dynamics in Perylene Bisimide Derivative
2013 Jan.15 佐藤 南美 研究進捗報告
・ BHJ太陽電池における素子特性の混合比依存性
2013 Jan.8 古川 貢 ESRを用いたTTFおよびEDT-TTF系の電気伝導についての研究
2012 Dec.17 赤石 里美
・ P3HTにおけるキャリア生成の熱処理効果
・ Effects of Host Matrix and Thermal Treatment on the Photocarrier Dynamics in Perylene Bisimide Derivative
2012 Dec.10 脇川 祐介 発表練習
・ Photoconductivity in Supramolecular Self-Assenblies
2012 Nov.26 尾森 拓也 研究進捗報告
・ 二層構造太陽電池の研究
2012 Nov.19 脇川 祐介 Enhancement of organic magnetoresisttance by electrical conditioning
U.Niedermeier et al., Appl.Phys.Lett,92, 193309 (2008)
2012 Nov.12 C.E.Ambe Charge Formation in Pentacene Layers During Solar-cell Fabrication:Direct Observation by Electron Spin Resonance
Kazuhiro Marumoto et al., Adv.Ener.Mater,2, 591 (2012)
2012 Nov.5 戸田 貴大 Effect of annealing on bulk heterojunction organic solar cells based on copper phthalocyanine and perylene derivative
Inho Kim et al., Syn.Metal,162, 102 (2012)
2012 Oct.29 佐藤 南美 研究進捗報告
・ BHJ太陽電池における素子特性の混合比依存性
2012 Oct.1 赤石 里美
尾森 拓也
・ 二層構造太陽電池の研究

・ P3HTにおけるキャリア生成
2012 Aug.6 赤石 里美 Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Morphology of Polymer-Fullerene Blends.
Eric Verploegen et al., Adv.Func.Mater,20, 3519 (2010)
2012 Jul.9 閑野 宗朗  研究進捗報告
・ ベンゾフェノンの過渡吸収スペクトル
2012 Jul.2 佐藤 南美 Kinetic Studies of Geminate Polaron Pair Recombination, Dissociation, and Efficient Triplet Exciton Formation in PC:PCBM Organic Photovoltaic Blends.
Edward W. Snedden et al., J.Phys.Chem.C,116, 4390 (2012)
2012  Jun.25 尾森 拓也 Improving efficiency of organic photovoltaic cells with pentacene-doped CuPc layer.
Wei-Bing Chen et al., Applied Physics Letters,91, 191109 (2007)
2012 Jun.4 横山 佳奈 Influence of Temperature on low-Power Upconversion in Rubbery Polymer Blends.
Tanya N. Singh-Rachford et al., Journal of American Chemical Society,131, 12007-12014 (2009)
2012 Jun.4 脇川 祐介  研究進捗報告
・ HBC自己組織体についての研究
2012 May.28 閑野 宗朗 Proton Transfer Reactions in the Triplet State of Benzophenone Studied by Nanosecond Laser Flash Photolysis
Masahiko Hoshii et al., Bull. Chem Soc. Jap,59, 2711-2715 (1986)
2012 May.21 C.E.Ambe Morphology of polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells.
Harald Hoppe et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry,28, 45-61 (2005)
2012 May.14 戸田 貴大 What determines the performance of metal phthalocyanine (MPc, M = Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe) in organic heterojunction solar cells? A combined experimental and theoritical investigation.
Ingmar Bruder et al., Organic Electronics,11, 377-387 (2010)
2012 May.7 赤石 里美
尾森 拓也
小松 政博
佐藤 南美

・ バルクヘテロ太陽電池の磁場効果
2012 Apr.23 C.E.Ambe Progress Research Report
Annealing effect on MFE and EF of PCBM films.
2012 Apr.16 閑野 宗朗 Progress Research Report
Set up of transient absorption systems.
2011 Dev.19 閑野 宗朗 Transient Absorption Spectra and Lifetimes of Benzophenone Ketyl Radicals in the Excited State
Masanori Sakamoto et al., J. Phys. Chem. A,108, 8147-8150 (2004)
2011 Dec.12 伊藤 悠太


2011 Dec. 5 津川 昌紀

村松 将樹
・Absolute single and multiple charge exchange cross sections for highly charged C, O, and Ne ions on H
2O, CO, CO2
R. J. Mawhorter et al., Phys. REV. A., 75, 032704(2007)
2011 Nov.28 脇川 祐介

Photoconductivity of sexithiophene single crystals
Phys. Rev. B, 59, 10651 (1999)

2011 Nov.21 山本 恭子 Fragmentation pathways for selected electronic states of the acetylene dication
T. Osipov et al., J. Phys. B, At. Mol. Opt. Phys.,41, 1-4 (2008)
2011 Nov. 14 横山 佳奈

西川 綾
・T-T annihilationの研究報告

・Solution-processed small-molecule solar cells with 6.7% efficiency
Yanming Sun et al., Nat. Mat., 3160, 1-5 (2011)
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2011 Jul 11 小林 絵梨

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・Columnar Structure in Bulk Heterojunction in Solution-Processable Three Layered p-i-n Organic Photovoltaics Devices Using Tetrabenzoporphyrin Precursor and Silylmethyl[60]fullerene
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2011 Jun 27 横山 佳奈 Singlet fission in pentacene through multi-exciton quantum states
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2011 Jun 20 伊藤 悠太 Nonradiative Decay Mechanisms of the Biologically Relevant Tautomer of Guanine
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2011 Apr.25 戸田 貴大 Infrared photoluminescence from α-and β-copper phthalocyanine nanostructures
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2011 Apr.11 小林 亮介 バルクヘテロ接合太陽電池の素子特性に対する磁場効果の研究報告
2011 Jan.27 Y. Wakikawa Electron Acceptor Effect on the Carrier Dynamics in One-dimensional Photoconductive Hexabenzocoronene Self-assemblies
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2010 Dec.3  伊藤 悠太 チミン、ウラシルの無放射失活過程の理論的研究
2010 Nov.26 小林 亮介  有機薄膜太陽電池の磁場効果についての研究報告
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2010  Oct.1 C. E. Ambe Structure of compounds formed by inclusion of rare gas(Rg=Ar or Kr) atom into some amino acid: Exporing the pathway of Bio-rare gas chemistry
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2010 Apr.9  彦坂 泰正  最近の研究の紹介 
2010 Mar. 22 T. Ikoma

Giant Magnetoresistance due to Electron-hole Pair Mechanism in Photoconductive Poly(N-vinylcarbazole

2010 Feb. 26 川田 智弘

小林 亮介
布村 拓也

伊藤 悠太
2010 Feb. 18 駒形 圭亮


2010 Feb. 10 大塚 雅広
佐藤 未穂
周東 知希
2010 Feb. 5 布村 拓也


2010 Jan. 22 川田 智広 フタロシアンニ化合物の光伝導性と外部磁場効果
2009 Dec. 18 伊藤 悠太


2009 Dec. 11 山口 亜希子 9H-アデニンの光学安定性に関する理論的解明
2009 Dec. 3 C. E. Ambe

Structures of Compounds Formed by Inclusion of Rare Gas (Rg = Ar, or Kr) Atom into Some Amino Acids: Exploring the pathway of bio-rare gas chemistry

2009 Nov. 25 P. Lablanquie

Experimental investigation of multiple photo ionisation processes in Ar atoms

2009 Nov. 13 小林 亮介


2009 Nov. 2 前田 公憲


2009 Oct. 30 生駒 忠昭


2009 Oct. 27 彦坂 泰正


2009 Oct. 8 S. Usui

Y. Wakikawa

Tsung Hsun Lee
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・Intervention of Radical and Ionic Intermediates in the Photosolvolysis of Phenacyl Derivatives
Photocarrier Dynamics in Poly(N-vinylcarbazole) Films Doped with Electron Acceptor under Ultralow Magnetic Fields
Spin Dynamics of Photogenerated Carriers in Self-assembled Hexabenzocoronene Nanotube
・Magnetoconductance Responses in Charge Transfer Complex Material
・Magnetic Field Effects in Organic Semiconductors
Theoretical Studies of Photostability of Nucleic Acid Base

・Development of Biodegradative Chelating Ligands
・Synthesis of Dinuclear Lanthanide Ion Cluster Encapsulated by Bis(L-amino acidato) Nikel(II) Ligands
・Synthesis and Properties of Polynuclear 3d-4f Complexes Bridged by Amino Acidato Ligands
2009 Aug. 5 T. Ikoma

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Nanostructures and Nanodynamics of Electron-hole Pairs in
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High-frequency and -field EPR (HFEPR) of ‘EPR-silent’ (non-Kramers) transition metalions in simple model complexes mimicking metalloprotein active sites

2009 Jul. 30 伊藤 悠太 Excited-state hydrogen detachment and hydrogen transfer driven by repulsive 1πσ* states: A new paradigm for nonradiative decay in aromatic biomolecules
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2009 Jul. 16 布村 拓也 Ultrafast hydrogen migration in allene in intense laser fields:
Evidence of two-body Coulomb explosion
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2009 Jul. 9 小林 亮介

Roles of donor and acceptor nanodomains in 6% efficient thermally annealed polymer photovoltaics
K. Kim et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 163511 (2007)

2009 Jul. 2 高橋 由佳 Inversion of Magnetoresistance in Organic Semiconductors
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2009 Jun. 26 駒形 圭亮

Metal electrode effects on spin-orbital coupling and magnetoresistance in organic semiconductor devices
Yue Wu and Bin Hu, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 203510 (2006)

2009 Jun. 19 山口 亜希子 Ab Initio Studies on the Radiationless Decay Mechanism of the Lowest Excited Singlet States of 9H-Adenine
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2009 Jun. 12 脇川 祐介

Fractions of Singlet and Triplet Excitons Generated in Organic Light-emitting Devices Cased on a Polyphenylenevinylene Derivative
Phys. Rev. B, 74, 195209 (2006)

2009 May 29 島倉 紀之 核波束法
2009 May 21 鈴木 崇裕

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小竹 善之

駒形 圭亮
脇川 祐介

阿部 淳

Magnetic field effect on the photocarries in self-assembled hexabenzocoronene nanotubes

2009 May 14 島倉 紀之 衝突論に基づく反応過程の取り扱い
2009 Apr. 30 生駒 忠昭

Langevin Recombination and Space-charge-perturbed Current Transients in Regiorandom Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
A. Pivrikas et al, Phys. Rev. B 71, 125205 (2005)

Bimolecular Recombination Coefficient as Sensitive Testing Parameter for Low-Mobility Solar-Cell Materials
A. Pivrikas et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 176806 (2005)

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2009 Apr. 16 生駒 忠昭 H-Tunneling in the Excited States of Tropolone in a Durene Single Crystal
2009 Feb. 26 駒形 圭亮
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2009 Feb. 19 関 桂子
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2009 Feb. 12 高橋 由佳

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2009 Jan. 22 副島 浩一 Energy Correlation of the Three Electrons Emitted during the Triple Photoionization of Ar
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2008 Dec. 04 村上 昌史 ピリミジン塩基の超高速無放射失活過程 
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2008 Nov. 06 駒形 圭亮 Electronic Structure and Dynamics of Ionic Species in Thin Poly (N-vinylcarbazole) Films Doped with Some Electron Acceptors as Revealed by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
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 2008 Oct. 09 生駒 忠昭 B-Dependent Population in the Singlet and Triplet States of Radical Pair
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2008 Jun. 05 脇川 祐介 Self-assembled Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene GraphiticNanotube
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2008 May 08 島倉 紀之 衝突反応過程に波束法を使えるようになるための基礎
2008 May 01 生駒 忠昭 Tuning Magnetoresistance between Positive and Negative Values in Organic Semiconductors
B. Hu and Y. Wu, Nature Mater., 6, 985-991 (2007)
2008 Apr. 24 山口 亜希子 9H-アデニンの光学安定性に関するダイナミクスの理論的研究
2008 Apr. 17 元井 拡夢
脇川 祐介
2007 Nov. 5 Kiminori Maeda
(Department of Chemistry, Oxford University)

Markus Wohlgenannt
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa)
A Chemical Compass as a Model of Avian Magnetoreception

Magnetoresistance in Organic Semiconductors: Science and Application
2007 Oct. 24 生駒 忠昭  分子間を渡り歩く電荷とスピンのランデブー @理学部コロキウム