International Workshop on

Molecular Nanospin Science
Developed by Built-up Technologies

October 8, 2009
161, Building of Science of Matter & Industrial Science

Grant for Promotion of Niigata University Research Projects

     A research project focusing on molecular nanospin science supported by Niigata University has been launched this year. The project is the interdisciplinary studies on novel spin-related properties and phenomena of well-organized molecular materials built-up by the latest chemical and physical nanotechnologies. One of the fascinating natures of molecular materials is a hierarchic framework of interaction. The interaction in nanometer scale is an important key to utilize the molecular quantum effects for the bulk properties. On the axis of elucidating and controlling the interaction between the electron and nuclear spins, the project is aiming to create new molecular semiconductors with multi-functions which can be expected to contribute the future electronics such as spin transistors, novel magnetic sensors and quantum computation devices. This workshop is scheduled to provide room for open discussion and interaction about the scope above.

12:50-12:55 Opening
Coffer Break
Coffer Break
Coffer Break
17:55-18:00 Closing

Tadaaki IKOMA (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)